smoke bush การใช้
- He recommends purple smoke bush, and ninebark, which has chartreuse foliage all summer.
- Q . After I pruned it last spring, my smoke bush put out many branches.
- Smoke bush gets its name from the dusty pink flower stalks that form a feathery haze in summer.
- In front of the house, a skinny, nine-foot metal man comes out of a purple-leafed smoke bush.
- Harper's Virginia garden includes the colored foliage of eupatorium Chocolate, purple smoke bush, cutleaf maples, purple barberries, and annual perilla.
- Nicolson said, pausing to admire a group of deep purple irises blooming among wallflowers and tulips, columbines and hardy geraniums, clematis and a smoke bush.
- He also uses vines, like crimson glory vine ( Vitis coignetiae ), and larger plants, like purple smoke bush ( Cotinus coggygria Atropurpurea ) and the Indian bean tree ( Catalpa bignonioides Aurea ).
- A distant meadow garden is dotted with unusual young trees and shrubs from Windy Hill Farm in Great Barrington, including oxydendrum, Persian parrotia, Aesculus parviflora ( bottlebrush ), Carolina silverbell, and Cotinus obovatus ( the native smoke bush tree ).
- Thorp Perrow is also famously known to have five National Plant Collections; Tilia ( Lime ), Fraxinus ( Ash ), Cotinus ( Smoke Bush ), Laburnum and Juglans ( Walnut ) and boasts at least 66 Champion trees in its collection.
- A . Chances are your spring-blooming hydrangeas have the same problem as other readers'redbuds, roses, smoke bushes, daphnes, lavenders, roses, lambs ears, roses, creeping thymes, roses, oriental poppies, chrysanthemums and roses.